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Breast Reduction


Breast reduction surgery is a type of surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size and volume of a person's breasts.

This is achieved by removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin, and reshaping the remaining breast tissue to create a smaller, more proportionate breast size.

Breast reduction surgery is typically recommended for individuals who have large, heavy breasts that are causing physical discomfort or pain, such as back or neck pain, shoulder pain, or posture problems. It may also be recommended for candidates who are experiencing skin irritation or rashes beneath their breasts or who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts.

The procedure is generally considered safe and effective for healthy individuals who have fully developed breasts and are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are some risks and potential complications associated with breast reduction surgery, which should be discussed with a qualified medical professional.


Breast Reduction Surgery Preparation Phase


Preparing for breast reduction surgery is an important part of ensuring a safe and successful procedure. Here are some steps that may be taken during this period.


  • Consultation: The first step in the preparation phase is to schedule a consultation with a surgeon. During the visit, the doctor reviews the patient's medical history, examines their breasts, discusses their goals for the procedure, and provides information about the surgery, including potential risks and benefits.
  • Medical Examination: Before the surgery, the patient may need to undergo a medical evaluation to ensure they are in good overall health and able to undergo anesthesia and surgery.
  • Medication Review: The patient is asked to provide a list of all medications they are currently taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter ones, and supplements. Certain medications, such as blood-thinnings and painkillers, may need to be stopped prior to surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: The patient may need to make some lifestyle adjustments in the weeks leading up to surgery. For example, they may be advised to quit smoking, avoid alcohol consumption, and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.
  • Pre-op Instructions: The doctor provides specific instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, including when to stop eating and drinking before the surgery, and how to prepare the breasts for surgery.
  • Post-operative Planning: The patient needs to plan for the recovery period after surgery, including arranging for transportation to and from the clinic, arranging for someone to assist with daily tasks during the healing phase, and making arrangements for time off work or other obligations.


How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?


Breast reduction procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and usually takes a few hours to complete. Before the operation begins, the patient needs to be completely numb. This means that they are completely asleep and do not feel any pain during the procedure.

Generally, 2 different methods are preferred in surgery. One of them is called the "lollipop incision", while the other is the "Reverse T" method. While making this choice, the surgeon takes into account factors such as the size of the breast, its curve, the position of the nipple, and breast tissue.

In the lollipop incision method, a circular incision is made around the nipple of the person. Excess breast and skin tissue is removed here. In some cases, the nipple can be positioned higher. The incision is closed by suturing without damaging the milk ducts.

In the reverse T method, an incision is made just below the breast. Similar steps of the first method are followed and the incision is closed. After the operation, the person spends 1 night under the supervision of a doctor. Individuals who have breast reduction surgery can go back to their routine life after resting at home for 1 week.


Breast Reduction Post-op Considerations


After the surgery, there are certain post-op instructions that patients should keep in mind to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

Breast reduction surgery is a major surgical procedure that requires proper rest and recovery time. The patients should take a break from work and avoid any heavy exercises for at least two weeks after operations. It's essential to avoid any activities that may put stress on their chest, such as lifting heavy objects, exercising, or running.

The patients may be required to wear a special supportive bra or compression garment for a few weeks after surgery to help reduce swelling and support their breasts during the healing process.

It's important to be patient and follow all the instructions given by the doctor to ensure a successful recovery and achieve the desired results.

Frequently Asked Questions