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FUE Hair Transplant


FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is a restoration procedure that involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor area of the patient's scalp and transplanting them to the recipient area.

FUE hair transplant is generally suitable for individuals who are experiencing hair loss and who have sufficient donor hair in the back or sides of their scalp.

It's generally not recommended for individuals under the age of 20, as their hair loss pattern may not be fully established yet. The quality and texture of the donor's hair may affect the success of the procedure. People with fine or curly hair may require more careful extraction and implantation techniques.


Differences Between Classic FUE and Sapphire FUE Techniques


The main difference between Classic FUE and Sapphire FUE hair transplant techniques is the type of surgical instrument used to make the incisions for hair follicle extraction. In Classic FUE, a standard punch tool with a metal tip is used to create the incisions, while in Sapphire FUE, a specialized microsurgical device with a sapphire blade is used. Here are some of the key differences between the two techniques:


  • Sapphire FUE uses a smaller, more precise incision than Classic FUE, which results in less trauma to the scalp and less damage to the surrounding hair follicles.
  • The smaller incisions made with Sapphire FUE typically heal faster than those made with Classic FUE, resulting in less post-op discomfort and a quicker recovery time.
  • Because Sapphire FUE creates smaller incisions with less trauma to the surrounding tissue, the graft survival rate may be higher than with Classic FUE.
  • Sapphire FUE hair transplant is generally more expensive than Classic FUE, as it requires specialized instruments and a higher level of technical expertise.


How is FUE Hair Transplant Performed?


Before the procedure, the patient and the surgeon have a consultation about the surgery to discuss the person's concerns, medical history, and expectations. This stage is very important as in any application and should never be skipped for getting the best result.

On the day of the procedure, the patient's hair in the donor area (usually the back or sides of the scalp) will be trimmed short to allow easier access for the surgeon during the procedure. The scalp is numbed with local anesthesia to minimize any discomfort during the procedure.

The surgeon uses a specialized punch tool with a metal tip to make tiny incisions around each hair follicle in the donor area. These are then extracted and stored in a special solution to keep them healthy until they are ready to be transplanted.

The extracted hair follicles are then carefully implanted into the recipient area using forceps. The surgeon places them in a way that ensures the most natural-looking results. Generally, an average of 3000 grafts can be transplanted in a single session.

After the procedure, the person is given detailed instructions on how to care for their scalp and hair. They may be prescribed drugs to help manage any discomfort or swelling, and they need to avoid heavy activities and exposure to the sun for several days.


Aftercare Tips for FUE Hair Transplant


Aftercare is an essential part of the healing process after a classic FUE hair transplant. Here are some tips to help the patients care for their scalp and hair in the days and weeks following the procedure:


  • The surgeon provides detailed instructions on how to care for the scalp and hair after the procedure. The candidates should follow these instructions carefully to ensure the best possible results.
  • For the first few days after the procedure, it's important to avoid touching the transplant area to minimize the risk of infection. The patients should keep their hands away from the scalp as much as possible.
  • To reduce swelling and discomfort, individuals must keep their heads elevated when sleeping or resting for the first few days after the procedure.
  • Sun exposure can damage the delicate skin on the scalp and may slow down recovery. The candidates should wear a hat or stay out of the sun for the first few days after the procedure.


By following these aftercare tips, the patients can help promote healing and ensure the best possible results from the classic FUE hair transplant.

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