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DHI Hair Transplant


DHI hair transplant is a restoration technique that involves extracting hair follicles from a donor area of the scalp and implanting them into the recipient area using a specialized pen-like instrument.

The procedure is called DHI because it uses a "Direct Hair Implantation" method, which allows for more precise and efficient implantation of hair follicles.

DHI hair transplant is generally suitable for individuals who have experienced hair loss or thinning due to factors such as genetics, aging, hormonal changes, or medical conditions. Ideal candidates for the DHI method should have healthy donor hair in the back or sides of the scalp that can be used for this operation.

The history of the first hair transplantation dates back to the 1940s and today very successful results are obtained with highly developed methods. The DHI hair transplant method has advantages over other techniques and is therefore one of the most popular treatments.


What Are The Advantages of DHI Hair transplant?


DHI hair transplant has several advantages over other hair restoration techniques, such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), as mentioned above. Here are some of the advantages of this procedure.


  • Unlike FUT, which involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, DHI hair transplant leaves minimal scarring. This is because the hair follicles are extracted and implanted one by one using a specialized pen-like instrument, without the need for incisions or sutures.
  • DHI hair transplant allows for a higher density of hair follicles to be implanted into the recipient area at one visit, resulting in a fuller and more natural looking head of hair.
  • With DHI method, it's not necessary to shave the entire head before the procedure, as only small areas need to be shaved for access to the donor and recipient areas.
  • It involves a less invasive procedure, which typically results in reduced healing time and less discomfort compared to FUT.
  • DHI hair transplant allows for more precise placement of hair follicles, resulting in a hairline that matches the natural hair growth pattern. It has also a high success rate, with most patients experiencing significant hair growth within six to nine months after the procedure.


How is DHI Hair Transplantation Performed?


DHI hair transplantation is performed using a specialized pen-like instrument called a "Choi Implanter" or "DHI Implanter", which allows for the definite and efficient implantation of hair follicles into the recipient area. Here are the general steps involved in this operation:


  • Preparation: Before the procedure, the patient's hair is trimmed in the donor area, usually at the back or sides of the scalp, to allow for easy access to the hair follicles. The person is then given local anesthesia to numb the donor and recipient areas.
  • Extraction: The hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area using a micromotor punch with a diameter of 0.6-1mm, leaving minimal scarring. The extracted hair follicles are then kept in a special solution to maintain their viability until they are ready to be implanted.
  • Implantation: Using a Choi pen, the hair follicles are implanted one by one into the recipient area, which may be the balding area or areas with thinning hair. This process involves inserting the hair follicle into the implanter, which then places the hair follicle into the scalp at a precise angle and depth, copying the natural hair growth pattern.
  • Post-Operation: After the procedure, the patient's scalp is cleaned and bandaged. The person may experience some swelling and discomfort in the days following the procedure, but this usually resolves within a few days.
  • Follow-up: The patient needs to follow up with their surgeon for post-operative care and monitoring of the transplanted hair follicles. The transplanted hair follicles generally begin to grow hair within a few months, and full results can be seen within one year.


DHI hair transplantation offers a minimally invasive, precise, and effective technique for hair restoration with minimal scarring. The candidates should consult with a qualified hair restoration clinic to determine if the DHI method is a suitable option for their individual needs and goals.

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