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Allurion Gastric Balloon - Non Surgical

The allurion gastric balloon is a non-surgical weight loss option that involves inserting a soft, silicone balloon into the stomach through the mouth using a minimally invasive procedure. Once in place, the balloon is inflated with a sterile saline solution, which takes up space in the stomach and makes the patient feel full faster, leading to reduced food intake and weight loss.


What is Allurion Gastric Balloon Procedure?


The allurion gastric balloon procedure is a non-surgical weight loss procedure that involves placing a gastric balloon into the stomach to reduce appetite and help patients lose weight.

The balloon is made of a biocompatible material and is inserted into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscope. After insertion, the balloon is inflated with saline solution to take up space in the stomach. The introduction of this balloon allows patients to reduce their appetite and feel full. After the procedure, the patient feels less of a need to eat.

The balloon typically remains in the patient's stomach for 6 months and is then removed by the same endoscopic procedure. Allurion Gastric Balloon is one of the many options for weight loss. However, it is important to remember that a specialist doctor should be consulted before resorting to this option.


How to Perform Allurion Gastric Balloon Procedure?


The allurion gastric balloon procedure is typically performed by a trained and qualified healthcare professional, such as a gastroenterologist or a bariatric surgeon. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and typically takes about 20-30 minutes. The procedure is completed in several phases.

The patient is given a sedative to help them relax during the procedure. The healthcare professional uses an endoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end, to guide the gastric balloon through the mouth and into the stomach. Once the balloon is in place, it is inflated with a sterile saline solution to take up space in the stomach. The amount of saline used is determined by the size of the patient's stomach.

After the balloon is inflated, the endoscope is removed and the patient is monitored for a period of time for possible complications. The balloon usually remains in place for 6 months and is then removed using the method used at the time of insertion.


Who Cannot Have an Allurion Gastric Balloon?


The allurion gastric balloon may not be suitable for everyone. The procedure is generally considered safe, but it has some risks and is therefore not recommended for certain people.

People with certain medical conditions such as severe acid reflux, stomach ulcers, or inflammatory bowel disease, and patients who have had previous stomach surgery such as gastric bypass are at risk for this procedure.

In addition, allurion gastric balloon treatment is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals who are allergic to the materials used in the balloon or the sedative used during the procedure, and those with a body mass index (BMI) below 30. This procedure is also highly contraindicated for people with medical conditions such as blood clots, heart disease, and lung disease.

It is extremely important that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine if the Allurion Gastric Balloon Procedure is right for you. An examination, including a thorough evaluation of your medical history, current health status and weight loss goals, will determine your suitability for the treatment.


How is the Allurion Gastric Balloon Recovery Process?


The recovery process of the non-surgical allurion gastric balloon procedure is usually quick and relatively mild. Most people are able to return to their normal activities within a day or two after the procedure.

After the procedure, you may experience some mild discomfort or soreness in your throat, as well as bloating and gas. These symptoms subside within a day or two. You will need to follow a liquid diet for the first one or two days after the procedure to allow your stomach to get used to the balloon. You can get specific instructions from your healthcare provider about what you can eat and drink.

You should avoid strenuous activities for a few days after the procedure to allow your body to heal. A follow-up visit with your healthcare professional will be scheduled to make sure the balloon is in the correct position and that there are no complications. It is very important that you take certain vitamins and minerals to make sure you get enough nutrition while the balloon is in place.

It's important to note that the recovery process and instructions may vary depending on the specific device and the patient's health condition. It's important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions and report any symptoms or problems that you experience during the recovery process.

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