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Things to Keep in Mind After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Things to Keep in Mind After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the treatments for obesity. Obesity is a disease that occurs when the fat mass in the body is excessive compared to the lean body mass. Unfortunately, there are people who want obesity treatment but are suspicious of this operation because of speculation about the postoperative course. This article is intended to provide information that will help people who want to get rid of the problem of excess fat deposits, but are worried about the process after surgery.


Procedure of Stomach Reduction Surgery


The first phase of gastric reduction surgery, which is an important tool for eliminating obesity caused by factors such as psychological problems, genetic predisposition and general health, is consultation. This is followed by the examination and the surgery. The discussion between the doctor and the patient will determine if the patient is a suitable candidate for bariatric surgery. Individuals with a body mass index of 50 kg/m2 and above are considered suitable for the operation. The patient's medical history is examined, and it is checked whether the person suffers from diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. In people who meet the physical and psychological requirements, the surgical process begins.

During the operation, the stomach volume is reduced and the stomach capacity is narrowed to a maximum of 100 ml. For this purpose, more than 80 percent of the stomach is removed. Since the remaining part of the stomach resembles a small tube, the surgery is called sleeve gastrectomy.

In addition to this treatment, the field of bariatric surgery also includes the non-surgical operations allurion-gastric-balloon, gastric-bypass, gastric-balloon, duodenal-switch and gastric-sleeve.

After sleeve gastrectomy, the person loses 50 percent of their excess weight within 1 year, which equates to an average of 40-50 kilograms for a person with morbid obesity. After surgery, there is an adjustment period during which minor wounds heal, the body accepts the new stomach, and the mind accepts the new way of functioning.


What to do After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?


The patient is given detailed information about what to do and what to avoid after the stomach reduction surgery. After bariatric surgery, the doctor may refer you to a specialized nutritionist. The diet and physical activity plan will be determined and the patient will be prepared for possible postoperative effects.


Nutrition After Gastric Sleeve Surgery


The diet plan will be established by the dietitian or within the surgeon's recommendations. The first six months are especially important. The patient stays in the hospital for the first 3 days, and the initial postoperative care is provided by the specialists in the hospital. The patient is fed intravenously.

After discharge from the hospital, the individual is provided with liquid for about a month. The amount of fluid to be consumed daily is determined. On average, the patient should consume a total of 3 liters of liquid, at least 1 liter of which should be water. It is important to divide the liquid intake between different meals, because it is not good to consume too much at once.

The next phase is the mushy food intake phase and lasts about 2 months, which may be completed in 1 month or may last up to 3 months. The patient will also continue to consume liquids. It should be noted that puree and liquid should not be taken at the same meal. Vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and artichokes are preferred, and high-carbohydrate foods such as potatoes should not be eaten. Red and white meats can be consumed in pureed form by stirring them into vegetable purees.

After about 3 months, the person can move on to normal foods. This is the stage when a healthy diet is important. Grilled fish, steamed chicken and red meat can be consumed. Foods such as ice cream and fruit should be consumed infrequently and only under medical supervision. Again, liquids and main meals should not be taken together.

From the 6th month, the patient can eat 3-4 meals. It would be beneficial to prefer foods with high protein and mineral content. The person can eat solid food. However, if the body shows a nausea reaction during the transition to solid food, which is a possible side effect, this discomfort will disappear after the body gets used to it, and liquid should be drunk for the most part the next day.

A healthy and balanced diet, avoiding acidic drinks, eating foods rich in protein is better for everyone, regardless of whether a stomach reduction was performed.


Physical Activity After Gastric Sleeve Surgery


Health professionals will guide the patient during the hospital stay. It is recommended that the patient be as mobile as possible after discharge. Walks that do not strain the body will make you feel good and speed up the healing process. If the patient receives embolic socks, it is important to wear them for 7-10 days. The patient should not have sexual intercourse, drive a car, consume alcohol, or engage in any compelling physical activities for the first 14 days. It is beneficial to better manage the skin sagging caused by rapid weight loss. However, the doctor will guide the patient as part of the examination and blood test results.

Rewell, an expert in the field of bariatric surgery, promises you a comfortable and safe gastric sleeve surgery procedure. Experience the anticipation of having the body you dream of, along with the experienced staff who will guide you through all stages from pre-surgery information and examination to post-surgery care. You can contact us to get detailed information and learn what you want to know about bariatric surgery.